Thursday, October 26, 2017

You Need to be Dry Brushing...

I like to read a lot about skin care and beauty products. I'm seriously obsessed with all things girly! Just ask my sweet hubby. Our bathroom looks like a department store cosmetic counter and our shower looks like you stepped into a spa with many many choices of shampoos, conditioners, scrubs, soaps, facial cleansers, shaving creams, loofas, razors and much more!

So when I started reading about this thing, called Dry Brushing. I knew I had to try it!  My next step was to order one from Amazon This one is perfect, if you have someone to get your back for you, but not everyone does. This Dry Brush with Removable Handle would really be the perfect one to purchase. I'm thinking that I will be ordering that one very soon. The hubby is not always around when I want to treat my skin to a little brushing.

When I stumbled across the article about Dry Brushing I was totally amazed at the benefits it provides to you. Not even mentioning how wonderful it feels! So lets talk about those benefits for a bit.

So What is Dry Brushing?

It's exactly what is sounds like... You're brushing your skin in a particular pattern with a dry brush, preferably right before you shower.

The Many Benefits of Dry Brushing.

Stimulates the lymphatic system, which plays a major role in our immune system. When you dry brush your skin you are improving your circulation which helps in delivering oxygenated blood to the skin and other organs to help them do their jobs better. In return for this it helps the body detoxify naturally, which helps to prevent and fight disease.

Exfoliates and improves the appearance of the skin. Dry Brushing removes the dead skin and impurities from the surface of your skin, clears your pores and stimulates the natural production of sebum, resulting in smoother more radiant skin. Who doesn't want that?!

Regular Dry Brushing helps reduce the formation of cellulite by stimulating the circulation. This helps distribute the fatty deposits throughout your body.  Here's the key words "helps reduce"  NOT "get rid of".

Improves digestion and kidney function.

Stress relief.

Choosing the Right Dry Brush.

Make sure you choose a natural bristle brush not synthetic. Remember after using mine for awhile I realized it would have been a much better idea to have chosen a brush with a long handle.

How to Dry Brush your Skin.

Dry Brushing should be done daily for best results. Mornings are best because the brushing will energize and invigorate you. Always brush before your shower or bath.
Start at the bottom of your feet making small circular movements with your brush, gradually working up your legs. You can do circular movements or long brush strokes, whichever you prefer.
It is important to always brush towards the direction of your heart.
Repeat the same process with your hands (starting with the palms) and arms.
On the stomach, back and armpits make circular motions.
Don't forget the backs of your knees and neck.

Notes and Thoughts on Dry Brushing.

Always brush on dry skin.
My skin is slightly pink after brushing. If your skin is red or it stings use less pressure (avoid scrubbing).  Remember Dry Brushing should never hurt!

You should use gentle pressure while brushing towards your heart.  You can brush for as long or as little as you like. The average brushing session can be anywhere from two ~ twenty minutes.

Be sure to apply lotion after your shower to put moisture back into your skin.

Happy brushing and please let me know if you try this or have tried it. I would love to hear your thoughts or opinions on this subject.

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