Monday, September 3, 2012

In Preparation For Girl Time...

So I'm off again with the same lovely girls I went to Aspen with, but this trip is with sand, bikinis tankinis, sandals and pina colodas.  Not snow, snowsuits, snow boots and hot chocolate...

I'm bringing lots of magazines to catch up on, and will try very hard to throw away when finished (wink wink). I also, bought a Nook Tablet this week. Hoping to cut down on my books, magazines and movies around the house. This is my first step in decluttering my life. I'm still wondering if I should have just spent the money for an IPad2. Ugh! My receipt says I have 14 days to change my mind...

Oh...I forgot to tell you where I'm going. Useppa, it's a little private island off the west coast of Florida. It's rated one of the top 25 true island retreats in the world...