Is it really and truly almost December?! Where did this year go? My mother WAS telling me the truth when she would say, " As you get older, you'll see... The years just fly by." She was right!
Every Christmas I swear I'm going to wrap my presents as I buy them. NOT stay up all night Christmas Eve into the early morning of Christmas Day (Santa Claus even asks me "why I haven't been to bed yet") ~ that's what I have done for the past 21 years! So today was my first day of wrapping and making my little gift tags. What I should be doing is some major cleaning in this house of mine!
First... I had to remove a little black snake that was hiding in the cat's scratching post. He was alive and very very wiggly. UGH! As I was writing this post ~ I see one of my cats tip~toeing across the living room like he is hunting for something. In my head, I'm thinking it probably is just a little lizard, NOT a snake.
Ok... Let's get back to something fun and cute. Todd always seems to be around when I'm making something. So of course, I had to dress him up, just a little. He was NOT happy! And yes I know... The water is icky in the vase. Sorry about that! But Todd looks cute and very grumpy!
This would be Lauren Olivia's puppy. His name is "Mowgli," from the Disney movie "Jungle Book." He was NOT having anything to do with playing dress~up! Poor sport...
Ok... Seriously now. Let's get back to my cute little gift tags, But first let me show you just two more crazy pictures! Why is it I have to make a complete mess, NOT just a little mess, but a undeniable complete mess. Whenever I am making anything?!
Oh Yea... I almost forgot what this post was suppose to be about. I'm thinking I've had way too much coffee!
We did go and get our Christmas tree today ~ so I have no excuses of not wrapping as I buy and putting directly under the tree. Hopefully... this year will be different from the last 21 years! Though I must admit. I do enjoy having cookies and milk with Santa Claus...
What a sweet smile Lauren Olivia! Thank you for always loving me...